Wednesday, October 17, 2007


I'm having an interesting week. Monday I met with my mom's social worker and physical therapist to discuss mom's transition back home. She is getting a walking cast on Oct 24 and coming home Oct 27. I have a bunch of stuff to do to prep the house for her return to make things less hazardous for her.

Yesterday I was stopped at a red light and a full size van plowed in to the back of me. It was so violent I blacked out for a brief moment and regained consciousness after my car was pushed through the entire intersection and was moving down the street. I am in a fair amount of pain in my head and in my neck.

I aggravated a slowly healing heel injury in my foot by running to the other vehicle to see if they were ok and to get them out of their van, which was beginning to catch fire.

When I returned from the doctor today I found raw sewage leaking through my kitchen drywall and have to take yet another day off from work to be here when the plumber arrives. Then I'll have to wait for the maintenance folks to schedule someone to come in and redo the drywall.

Sunday I have to go to a conference for work all day and will not get a badly needed day of rest.

I feel like the whole world is caving in on me right now and I am beginning to crack a bit under the stress. Sorry if this comes off like a pity party. I just needed to tell someone that my head hurts, my neck hurts, and my foot hurts. I'm exhausted from not sleeping well at all last night. I feel like I'm being buried alive in an avalanche.

There is another avalanche at work here. The avalanche of God's love for me is at work. God's love is also burying me, covering me, strengthening me, and holding me up. The cracks that are appearing due to the stress are being covered by God's love. As I realized that I was trying to deal with all of this on my own strength, I decided to rest in the one who loves me beyond measure.

Some trust in chariots and some in horses, but we trust in the name of the LORD our God. - Psalm 20:7

Psalm 20:7 does not mean I get to just sit back and coast through an easy life. There is plenty of work to do whether I feel like doing it all or not. But I trust in God for peace, joy, strength and wisdom in the midst of it. He will provide all I need and I can rest assured of this.

I do not need to worry about my mom, the house, the car, or even about my health. I just need to trust in my Father who loves me, and made me to overcome. God did not create us to be overwhelmed by life. We were created to know and love God and to bring glory to Him. In the end, things may not be perfect, but good will come from all of this.

"And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose." - Romans 8:28

When we feel the cracks of stress bursting; when we see the signs of an avalanche coming (or perhaps it is too late; it is here!), when we feel like we are left alone to handle a host of problems on top of our jobs and our vocations all by ourselves; when we feel like we are being owned by life, we need to run to our Heavenly Father. I grew up without a dad, so I am unfamiliar with going to dad for help. I am learning to do this, and what a blessing it is!

1 God is our refuge and strength,
an ever-present help in trouble.

2 Therefore we will not fear, though the earth give way
and the mountains fall into the heart of the sea,

3 though its waters roar and foam
and the mountains quake with their surging. - Psalm 46:1-3

God truly is my refuge and my strength. The world is not ending. I have a few minor bumps in the road to deal with and I'm feeling like a little kid who is overwhelmed. Thank God this little kid has a big, strong, loving Father who will walk me through all this. I am thankful for the avalanche of His love for me.

Wednesday, September 12, 2007


Life has been crazy. I'm in the middle of moving. I painted one of the rooms I am moving into and it needs to be redone. School just started. My mom broke her ankle the night before the first day of school. Yesterday I had to get up really early in the morning to take her to the hospital for surgery on the ankle. The surgery went well but she cannot put any weight on it for six weeks! The selfish part of me tried rearing it's ugly head and the grace of God came and I accepted. I can take great care of her for six weeks.

She is actually thinking about going to a temporary nursing home for a few weeks. She has such a sweet personality. It will be enjoyable to go visit her and see her interact with the staff and patients there. I wish I would have appreciated her personality more when I was younger.

While I'd rather be able to go home from work and relax and do MY stuff, I have a great opportunity to go to my mom's home after work and do HER stuff and take care of her, love her, and be there for her. My mom has been a huge blessing to me all my life. I hope and pray that she will feel loved over the next six weeks more than ever. God is so good!

Sunday, August 19, 2007


"Sin is a cruel murder, a frightful act of God-murder, a ghastly annihilation of all things. It is murder because it is the only cause of death, both of the body and of the soul of men. It is God-murder because sin and the sinner caused Christ to die on the cross, and the sinner continues this crucifixion of Jesus, day by day, within himself."

-St. John Eudes

Thank God for mercy!

Wednesday, August 01, 2007

Simple Pleasures of the Summer

I love getting the summers off from work. I love to relax on the hot days and do little projects around my house on cooler days. I've been visiting with a few friends lately. The other night one of my friends and I went for a long car ride down to Ohio. It was a beautiful summer night. The sky was incredible. As the sun made it's way past the western horizon, the moon, in the eastern sky, was huge, and red, and most beautiful.

I've been having fun playing with my dog. She is the sweetest, coolest dog ever. She is a blessing from God. She loves to play even if she is a bit lazy.

I am becoming more and more aware of God's presence in everything I do. I've been learning to act as if God is here with me, relating to me, because He is. It is possible to have a relationship with God. The thing is, you have to pursue Him. You have to acknowledge His presence. If I were to go about my day ignoring Him in everything I do, then there is no relationship.

So many people try to limit the spiritual to the "important" things, like prayer, having a Bible study, going to church, and participating in some sort of Christian small group. God is certainly in those things, but He is with me as I watch a movie. He is with me as I play a computer game. He is with me as I sit in my friend's rental car, waving my hand through the summer breeze as the car rolls down a rural road in Ohio. He is with me as I enjoy ice cream on a hot summer night. He is with me as I lay down to rest. He is with me as I brush my teeth in the morning. He is with me as I pet my dog and throw things for her to fetch...and He enjoys being with me. I am learning to enjoy being with Him.

It is easy not to notice Him. We let ourselves get so busy that we enjoy much of life without Him. But for whatever reason, I've been noticing Him. I've been sharing the joys of my life with Him, and He takes delight in it. When life isn't so enjoyable, He is also with me. I am able to see Him with me in the hard times in life too.

Sometimes the most "spiritually powerful" encounters with God go unnoticed. I participated in a Christian support group for a group of high school seniors this past year. One of the guys expressed frustration at the amount of time we spent just socializing. He wanted us to engage in more "spiritual" conversation. He is a great guy, but he really missed the boat. God is in the mundane things of life, and that is where He often chooses to work most powerfully. God is in the little things, too. God really was pleased with some of our time socializing, and He delighted in it. One does not have to kneel on a prayer mat, meditating on the deep mysteries of God all the time. We can deepen our relationship with God in everything we do. It takes time and effort, but it is so worth it!

Tuesday, July 24, 2007

Food from Heaven

Study your heart in the light of the Holy Scriptures, and you will know therein who you were, who you are, and who you ought to be. - St. Fulgence of Ruspe

I find this to be very true. Scripture is such a key to living the Christian life. It boggles my mind to think that I have spent significant portions of my life trying to live as a Christian, but not taking it seriously enough to immerse myself in God's word.

I've become so used to certain phrases in Christianity that I frequently gloss over the real meaning of them. Take the phrase, "God loves you." How many times have we heard this one? How many times have we actually taken the time to think about what that really means? The One who created all things, who is all-powerful, all-knowing, all-holy, and all-loving knows who I am, and loves me. Love is not just a feeling of affection. God doesn't just have warm fuzzies for me. Warm fuzzies are so over-rated anyway. Love means that he acts upon his concern for me. He takes the best course of action - the perfect course of action - for my benefit at all times. This has so many implications. One could spend hours thinking about all the implications of God's love. To mention a few, God has mercy on me when I miss the mark. God delights in me. God enjoys my company when I spend time with Him. God delights in the work I do. God never turns away from me. God never takes out his frustrations on me. God cares for me and provides for me. He holds me in existence by keeping me in his thoughts at all times.

What about God's word? How many times have I taken this for granted. It is God speaking to me! Why would I even consider trying to live a Christian life without taking time every day to see what God has to say to me? Why would I ever choose to tune out at church while God's word is being read to me? Why would I ever choose to tune out at church while God's word is being reflected upon during the homily? Didn't Jesus tell us that we don't live on bread alone, but also on the word of God? Why would I starve myself of God's word? Yet, for large portions of my life, I have chosen to do this.

It is no wonder, then, that for large portions of my life, my faith has been weak and powerless. It is no wonder then, that I don't see the hand of God more in the world. It is no wonder then, that it has been difficult to discern what to do with my life.

Over the past ten years I have grown more devoted to regular Scripture reading in my life and it has changed my life. When I am regularly in God's word, I have strength to live for Him. When I regularly read God's word, I grow in love for Him. When I read the Bible often, I find the temptations of the devil and of this world, much less interesting.

If a man were to stop eating food for a few days, he would be weak and tired. If he were to go months without eating he would most likely die. If the Word of God is bread for the soul, then of course we get tired and weak by refusing to be fed by it. It frightens me to think about trying to go long periods of time without taking the time to be fed by God's word.

"Blessed are those...who seek him with their whole heart..." - Psalm 119:3

I want to be blessed in this way. I want to seek God with my whole heart. I want everything in my life to be about seeking God. I want my work, my play, my rest, my relationships, my money, my time, my strength to be opportunities to seek God. One of the best ways to seek God with one's whole heart, is to spend time with God each day in prayer and in the Scriptures.

Please, if you are trying to seek God; if you want God to reveal Himself to you more fully; if you want to love God more; if you want to overcome the obstacles in life, do the following:

1. Ask for more of the Holy Spirit in your life.
2. Ask God to reveal Himself to you more.
3. Spend time each day telling God about your day, your life, the good things, and the difficult things.
4. Spend time each day reading God's word in the Bible and think about it, pray about it, and talk about it with others.

Sunday, July 22, 2007

It is no longer I who live, but Christ who lives in me!

This is really long...sorry! This is a longer version of a talk I gave at Pine Hills. I couldn't give the long version at camp because it would have been too much. As I gave the talk I really felt a focus and a communion with God that I've never experienced before. Perhaps I think too much of my thoughts and my talks, but I really think that many of the things written below will be helpful to people. Please give it a try.

It is no longer I who live, but Christ who lives in me. - Galatians 2:20

It is not always easy to be a good person. Sometimes I want to do the wrong thing. Sometimes I want to get out of my responsibility to do the right thing. I don't always want to subject my thoughts and my actions to the will of God. I don't always want to submit my weaknesses and shortcomings to God's good and perfect will. Sometimes I want to do things my way and, therefore, I have frequently failed to obey God.

Jesus tells us in The Gospel of St. John (John 14:15), "If you love me, you will obey what I command." This truth can be a painful truth to think about. If I don't obey God, then I am choosing not to love Him. Of all the times I failed to obey God, I chose not to love Him. Whenever I find myself struggling with sinfulness, losing the battles with my weaknesses, and falling flat on my face; if I take a step back to examine what is really going on, the truth is, I've chosen not to love God. It can be hard to love.

When I was about two weeks old my father walked into my life, held me for a half-hour, handed me back to my mom and walked out of our lives, abandoning us; abandoning me. Since the day he held me in his arms and decided I wasn't worth loving, I have never seen him, nor have I spoken to him.

Nobody's parents are perfect. Sometimes I think my mom was a better parent than many parent couples. I've seen many dads who are emotionally distant from their children. I've seen dads that have problems with rage over the smallest provocations. I've seen plenty of dads who have little or no time to spend with their children. I know plenty of dads who cannot relate with their kids; who cannot play with or goof around with them; or who cannot discipline out of love. I don't think many dads today take time to teach their sons how to be good men. It seems like the typical dad today goes to work, comes home tired and distant, attempts to connect with the family, feels overwhelmed with all of the needs a family has, and gets too upset over little things like leaving the lights on in an empty room, or the bicycle that was left in the driveway, or the lawn that did not get mowed.

If I had a dad, I'd want my dad to love me. I'd want my dad to discipline me and to teach me how to be a good man. I'd want my dad to be part of my life. I'd want my dad to goof around with me and to play with me; to show me that even if he is tired; even if he is irritated with his job, or with the pressures and stresses of life, that in some small way, I matter enough to him that he would take time out of his busy day to enjoy me. I wish dads would take time to enjoy their children.

Everybody's parents have flaws and weaknesses, and are far from perfect, and yet most of us tend to love our parents. Our parents, despite our flaws and weaknesses, tend to love us. But how many people are capable of expressing love to others? How many dads out there that are distant and cold to their families actually realize that they are distant and cold? How many kids out there have parents that have no clue that their children appreciate them and love them?

Love is something that was meant to be expressed. It wasn't meant just to be felt. It wasn't meant just to be thought. It was meant to be expressed. Love needs to be expressed daily, freshly, and completely. Expressing love has no time for being busy. We are all busy. Are we too busy to express love to those whom we love? Not many of us are good at expressing love. I am terrible at expressing love. I feel it. I think it. I fail at expressing it. Why?

Most of my flaws and weaknesses are related to growing up without a dad. God made human beings to have a mom and a dad. Each parent has much to offer to their children. No matter how amazing one of them is, he or she cannot offer everything a child needs on his or her own. I missed out on so many things a dad has to offer, even an imperfect dad.

When I started to get old enough to understand these things, I realized that I had a very limited understanding of what it really means to be a good man. I often felt like a second-class person because most of my friends who had dads in their lives seemed to be much better persons than I was. When I got to a certain point in my life and realized that I wasn't magically going to turn into the "super-Christian" men that were part of my life, I became very discouraged, and nearly lost all hope.

But I remembered a day at boys' camp when I was a kid. I remembered how inadequate I felt that day, and how discouraged I was, and how I offered my worries to God that day and felt like God told me that everything was going to be OK, and that He will take care of me. A number of years later I realized that God, my Father, will provide me with everything I need to be a good man.

God did not create us to suck at life (pardon the expression, but that is how most people express it these days, and it does not mean to this generation, the same thing it means to older generations). God did not create us to fail. He did not bring us into existence to have a hopeless, pitiful, failure of a life.

In the Gospel of St. John, Jesus said (John 10:10), "The thief comes only to steal and kill and destroy; I have come that they may have life, and have it to the full."
Our adversary, the devil, prowls about the world, seeking to steal our hope, our joy, our faith, and our lives. He wants us to feel as though everything is a lost cause. He wants us to believe that we cannot accept God's gift of salvation. He wants us to live life as though we are going to fail. He wants us to believe that life sucks so that we go around trying to find joy in any way we possibly can except through God.

But that's not how God intended life to be. Jesus came to give us life, and have it to the full. We were created to overcome the obstacles, the flaws, and the weaknesses through the grace of God, and to know Him, to love Him, to serve Him, and to live joyfully with Him for all eternity.

We were made to know God. God knows who we are. He knows what makes us tick. He knows what we like in our coffee. He knows why we are the way we are even when we are confused by ourselves. He knows us by name. He is always with us. He is constantly talking to us, saving us, strengthening us, disciplining us, comforting us, and enjoying us. We can know Him too. We can speak to Him. We can receive His comfort and care. We can receive his instruction and discipline. We can hear Him if we really want to. We can enjoy Him as our God, as our Savior, and as our friend. This is all possible to anyone who will take the time to ask God to reveal Himself and have the faith to wait and see what He reveals.

We were made to love God. God certainly loves us. Why wouldn't He want us to love Him? We can love God because He first loved us. We can love God because He is able to pierce the hardest of hearts, and bring warmth to the coldest places of our hearts if we allow Him to be part of our lives. We can love God because His son, Jesus Christ, died for us while we were yet sinners. We can love God because of the nail pierced hands, the wounded side, the crown of thorns, and the bruises and gashes on the body of Jesus Christ. We can love God because Jesus, who had the power to come down from the cross, chose to stay on that cross out of love for us. We can love God because that love that held Jesus to the cross also raised Jesus from the dead and was victorious over sin and death. That same love can reside within us if we choose, and it can transform our lives. That same love can defeat the power of sin and death within us and make us new.

As I said earlier, it can be hard to love. Jesus said, "If you love me, you will obey what I command" (John 14:15). So how much love do we need to have if we want to be successful at obeying God? How much obedience is enough to show that we truly love God? What happens if I don't have enough love? Does this mean that the love that Christ had, that held him on the cross, that defeated sin and death in his resurrection, is not enough for me?

The biggest problem that many of us have is that we make the huge mistake of believing that we are on our own to solve our problems, to defeat sin in our lives, to overcome weaknesses, to get past obstacles, and to get our lives in order. How many of us spend most of our lives trying to deal with our flaws and weaknesses and fall flat on our faces? How many of us have tried to get a handle on our temper only to lose it, and then spend days or even weeks beating ourselves up over it? How many of us have tried to lose some weight by getting on ridiculous diets, overdoing exercise for two whole days, only to feel exhausted, sore and frustrated to the point of needing a pizza and two gallons of soda to deal with the misery? How many of us have sin in our lives that we try to overcome with our will-power and self-discipline, only to find ourselves woefully inadequate in our ability to maintain the will-power and self-discipline? The silly thing is, after failing, we try again and again and again. This is insanity: failing to solve a problem by the same method over and over again. When will we ever learn that we don't have to strive for, and muster up, and earn the love and favor and grace of God?

The reason God sent His son into the world was because we aren't able to save ourselves. We don't have the will-power and self-discipline and supernatural strength to overcome everything the devil and everything this world throws at us.

It is amazing to me that immediately after telling us, "If you love me, you will obey what I command," Jesus promised us something so wonderful, so amazing, so incredible. Jesus said, "And I will ask the Father, and he will give you another Counselor to be with you forever - the Spirit of truth...I will not leave you as orphans; I will come to you. (John 14:16-18).

My father abandoned me when I was two weeks old. My Savior refused to abandon me when the devil tempted him in the desert. My father held me in his arms and left my life forever, leaving me with weakness, pain, and frustration. My Savior refused to leave me, spreading his arms on a cross to embrace me and my sins. My father was dead to me when he abandoned me, and threw away his responsibility and his privledge of raising me, loving me, disciplining me, enjoying me, and being proud of me. My Savior is alive to me and I am alive in him; and he raises me up, he loves me, he disciplines me, and he delights in me because he triumphed over sin and death and rose from the dead.

Over the last ten years, God has healed me of so much pain in my life. He has strengthened many of my weaknesses. He has shown me how to love others. He has put in my heart a desire to love Him and to obey Him. He has given me joy that is greater than any pain or sadness I have ever experienced in life. He has given me the strength to grow up in so many ways. He has given me grace to overcome weakness in my life. He has shown me a path that leads to victory. He walks beside me and guides me, comforts me, and cheers for me. He has not abandoned me. I am not an orphan. I have God on my side. When I am feeling weak, or when I lack love, I can ask for more of the Holy Spirit, and He will never refuse that prayer. Whatever I've needed in my walk with God, He has always provided for me when I wanted it. I'm not perfect by any means. And when I do fail, he has mercy on me. While I sometimes forget that I am a child of God, He never forgets that I am a child of God, and He always treats me as His child. What parent would abandon a child who messes up in life? A good parent would never abandon a child. Our Father in Heaven never abandons us when we fall into sin.

Even though I sometimes falter in my walk with God, I see huge transformations in my life. I am not the abandoned, scared, lonely little boy that I used to be. I am one of God's sons, and am now a man of God who is growing more confident in my Father day by day. I was made to know God, to love God, to serve God, and to be with God forever for all eternity, and I will not fail at this. I know God. I love God. I serve God. I long to be with Him forever.

"It is no longer I who live, but Christ who lives in me" (Galatians 2:20).

We are not alone. We can have Christ within us, living through us. The Holy Spirit can dwell within us, strengthening us, empowering us, comforting us, and instructing us to live as Christ. All we have to do is ask for more of the Holy Spirit in our lives and these wonderful graces will occur more often in our lives. Additionally, for those of us who are Catholic, we believe that Christ is also in us through the Eucharist. A lifetime of taking Jesus into our bodies physically will affect our lives in ways we cannot comprehend. I've been a Christian for most of my life. I've known the power of the Holy Spirit for most of my life. Lifelong struggles with sin and weakness suddenly started to shrink when I became Catholic and started taking Jesus into my body during Holy Communion.

I can see a huge difference in my life since I realized that I am not alone, and that God is always with me. I can boast - like the apostle Paul- in my weaknesses, because when I am weak, He is strong. Since I've stopped striving and trying on my own, I've seen massive obstacles in my relationship with God come down easily. Since I've realized that I need God in my life in order to love Him I've been made new and continue to be made new each day. I can honestly say that it is no longer I who live, but Christ who lives in me...and life is so good!

Thursday, July 05, 2007

Pine Hills!

I am going to camp in two days, WOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!

By the way, my mom is doing so much better. Thanks for your prayers!

Thursday, June 07, 2007

Prayer Requests

I had to take my mom to the ER today because she has been terribly sick all week. Not sure what is wrong with her. She was admitted to the hospital due to numerous infections. I am no doctor so I can't really put this in medical terms. The best I can describe it is that she is falling apart. Please pray for her.

My mom is the sweetest human being I've ever known. Very compassionate, loving person. Great sense of humor. Amazing mother. I am not ready to let her go yet. Pray not only for my mom, but also for me that I will not be so selfish.

While I was in the ER waiting for my mom, a patient arrived in an ambulance. Her family was waiting in the waiting room and they were really upset and troubled. Their sister was brought in for an overdose. I prayed ten Hail Mary's for their sister and asked our Blessed Mother to intercede for her and for her family. Please keep them in your prayers as well. One of the family members was so upset she was shaking and crying out to God, promising to get her life straightened out. I had a moment of compassion while in the midst of worrying for my mom. I hope they are doing well tonight.

Sunday, June 03, 2007


It was an honor to teach this year. The seventh graders were so much fun this year. They are great kids...funny too. For the most part, they are respectful, fun-loving, good-natured kids. I wish I could reach their hearts and inspire them to respond to God more, but I'll leave that to the Holy Spirit and continue to plant seeds and hope for the best. Most of them are very positive thinkers and very kind to me and to one another. I couldn't ask for better kids. I look forward to teaching them one more year (whether they like it or not!).

I am really going to miss the 8th graders. They are the nicest, eager-to-please, funny, deep, and inspiring kids I've ever taught. I think they are the first class where the girls actually appreciated my humor! That is saying a lot because I have a strange sense of humor. Most of them seemed to like it when I challenged them to change the way they thought about God and the Church. They were at least very polite about having to listen to me ramble on and on for hours. The boys came a long ways since they were 6th graders. I really appreciated how much they grew up and how hard they worked to be the best they could be.

I pray that all of my students, past and present, choose to give in to the relentless,unending, unconditional love of God and become who they were made to be. I wish this year's 8th graders well. May God bless them and protect them. Sadly, I was unable to attend their graduation ceremony.

I hope my 7th graders come back next year hungry for God and willing to hear what God has to say to them through me, through each other, and through God's Word.

Having said all of that, thank God it is summer!

Thursday, February 22, 2007

An Amazing Ordinary Day

I took some extra time for prayer this morning. It was so good. The prayer energized me. I was hyper all day (in a good way). I had so much fun at work today teaching and playing with the students.

The girls let me play volleyball with them. I am lousy at volleyball (I do serve decently well and occasionally get a lucky bump or set here and there)but I really have fun playing. The boys have been letting me play basketball with them even though I am terribly out of shape and can't really play full court. The students at our school are incredible human beings with amazing potential to make this world a better place.

I got to have dinner with a former student. We laughed a lot. It seems that God has been giving me many opportunities for laughter. Laughter is good for me. After dinner I went to a meeting with a few other former students who are trying to live their lives completely for God. They inspire me.

It is nearly March and I am healthy, energetic, and upbeat. After several years of struggling with my health, this is a huge blessing.

I'm going to start posting a bit more regularly. I've had a lot of interesting thoughts buzzing through my mind lately.

Lent is here! Lord, have mercy on me, a sinner! Kyrie Eleison!

"Have mercy upon me, O God ... according unto the multitude of your tender mercies blot out my transgressions." (Ps. 51.1)

Wednesday, January 10, 2007

Joyful Day

What a great day! I had trouble waking up. I was very tired, but it was worth getting up. I have the most awesome job, the most awesome students, the most awesome co-workers, and a most awesome God.

I was so blessed to be able to celebrate Holy Eucharist at work. I was a bit drowsy during Mass but still managed to engage my heart and mind in the prayers and worship.
I got a ton of work done today. I put in a long day and got some great things done.

I pray for my students regularly. I really hope and pray that they fall in love with God. Nothing would give me greater joy than knowing that they know Jesus and his love for them, and that they love him back.

I may not be the best teacher. I may be really boring at times, but I really want to make a difference. I really want to help people know Jesus. I really want others to know the joy that I have known in Christ. I hope my students know that I am on their side and that I care and that I am fighting along side them.

I am really looking forward to spending some time with a friend of mine who will be visiting from out of town soon. I am really in the mood for another trip to Ashley's with him. We've had some great food, some great drinks, and some excellent conversation there. My friend is a great guy. He is one of the most generous, virtuous, respectable people I have ever known. He is very insightful, and has been there for me every single time I've needed a good friend to be there for me. He probably doesn't know this but he also has influenced my faith significantly. He inspires me to live for God because of his drive to do things well.

Life is not always easy. It is not always hard. The battle to stay focussed on what is good, and true, is tiresome at times. I easily get distracted. I will not give in. I will not falter. I will remain in the struggle.

The struggle is worth it!