Wednesday, August 01, 2007

Simple Pleasures of the Summer

I love getting the summers off from work. I love to relax on the hot days and do little projects around my house on cooler days. I've been visiting with a few friends lately. The other night one of my friends and I went for a long car ride down to Ohio. It was a beautiful summer night. The sky was incredible. As the sun made it's way past the western horizon, the moon, in the eastern sky, was huge, and red, and most beautiful.

I've been having fun playing with my dog. She is the sweetest, coolest dog ever. She is a blessing from God. She loves to play even if she is a bit lazy.

I am becoming more and more aware of God's presence in everything I do. I've been learning to act as if God is here with me, relating to me, because He is. It is possible to have a relationship with God. The thing is, you have to pursue Him. You have to acknowledge His presence. If I were to go about my day ignoring Him in everything I do, then there is no relationship.

So many people try to limit the spiritual to the "important" things, like prayer, having a Bible study, going to church, and participating in some sort of Christian small group. God is certainly in those things, but He is with me as I watch a movie. He is with me as I play a computer game. He is with me as I sit in my friend's rental car, waving my hand through the summer breeze as the car rolls down a rural road in Ohio. He is with me as I enjoy ice cream on a hot summer night. He is with me as I lay down to rest. He is with me as I brush my teeth in the morning. He is with me as I pet my dog and throw things for her to fetch...and He enjoys being with me. I am learning to enjoy being with Him.

It is easy not to notice Him. We let ourselves get so busy that we enjoy much of life without Him. But for whatever reason, I've been noticing Him. I've been sharing the joys of my life with Him, and He takes delight in it. When life isn't so enjoyable, He is also with me. I am able to see Him with me in the hard times in life too.

Sometimes the most "spiritually powerful" encounters with God go unnoticed. I participated in a Christian support group for a group of high school seniors this past year. One of the guys expressed frustration at the amount of time we spent just socializing. He wanted us to engage in more "spiritual" conversation. He is a great guy, but he really missed the boat. God is in the mundane things of life, and that is where He often chooses to work most powerfully. God is in the little things, too. God really was pleased with some of our time socializing, and He delighted in it. One does not have to kneel on a prayer mat, meditating on the deep mysteries of God all the time. We can deepen our relationship with God in everything we do. It takes time and effort, but it is so worth it!

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