Tuesday, August 23, 2005

Work, work, and Pilgrimage

I worked hard today getting ready for school to start back up. Now that I am a homeroom teacher as well as a P.E. teacher I actually have a classroom to get ready in addition to the gym's equipment room. I helped move the teacher who previously had my room into his new room. He had a lot of stuff.

I have to do a ton of work to be ready for the first day of school next Tuesday. Tomorrow I won't be going in because I am going to look at a possible replacement camp for Pine Hills. I really hope the camp will work for us.

I heard the Pistons got Dale Davis. WOOOO HOOOOOO!!!!! (sarcasm). Ok, so he will be the new Elden Campbell. Looks like Michael Finley will sign with the Heat. And it looks like the Pistons will not get that badly needed scorer. This is going to be an interesting year.

Nothing can give us a profound sense of the meaning of our earthly life and stimulate us to live it as a brief experimental state - as can an inner attitude of seeing ourselves as pilgrims. - John Paul II (The Great)

I very much see myself as a pilgrim on a journey toward God. I am in the wilderness of this world and this age, struggling to get through each day, struggling to find meaning in this wilderness. Sometimes I search for "food" and "water" and find that which is not truly satisfying. Lately I've been seeing the body and blood of Christ in Holy Communion as very much like the manna and the water that flowed from a rock, in which God provided for the Israelites as they wandered the desert in their search for the Promised Land that would eventually house The City of God. As I wander through this wilderness, learning that God's provisions are life-giving, and assist me in my journey toward Him, I see that little by little, my attractions to the things of this world (that are not life-giving) are fading away.

It can be quite wearying to wander in this world. One can easily lose focus and purpose. I am finding my purpose in the One who created me, Abba, Father. I guess I am getting a clearer picture of God and my journey toward Him. Knowing that He is attainable; I will see God brings a new joy to the pilgrimage.

It has been very easy to forget that I am on a journey that will either lead me to God or away from Him. When my life is about me I tend to lose my way. When I live life on my own terms, for my own desires, and believing in myself to accomplish what I am doing, I am lost. I've found myself stuck in many traps along the way. I've stumbled and fallen countless times when I've taken my eyes off of the Good Shepherd. I've encountered great and savage beasts that seek to devour lost pilgrims who have wandered away from the protection of the other pilgrims to seek a treasure on my own.

"For whoever wants to save his life will lose it, but whoever loses his life for me will find it."
- Matthew 16:25

What is your life about? What or to whom are you journeying toward? Where do you go to find life when you're feeling empty, tired, bored, restless, lonely, unloved, and homesick ( for Heaven)? Many turn to various distractions, pleasures, people, and thrills to fill the empty voids that can only truly be filled by the One who died on a cross out of love for you.

He eagerly awaits our return to the journey toward Him. I've turned back to Him many, many times as I've strayed from Him. He is not the angry God that we've made Him out to be. He is not like us. He does not hold grudges. He is not vindictive. He is not resentful. All I've ever experienced from God is His love, His kindness, His mercy, and His guidance.

"I tell you that in the same way there will be more rejoicing in heaven over one sinner who repents than over ninety-nine righteous persons who do not need to repent."
- Luke 15:7

Join me on the pilgrimage to the New City of God, the New Jerusalem. When Jesus died and rose again, he ascended into Heaven, where he told his followers he would go to prepare a place for them. He promised to return again, to take those who love God to Heaven. Repent, for the Kingdom of God is coming! We don't know the day, nor the hour of Christ's return, but He is coming. Glory to God in the Highest. Amen!