Friday, July 14, 2006

Squirting Thai Iced Tea Out of My Nose

Tomorrow I head out for camp. I don't know if I am any good at camp directing but I really enjoy it. I get to work with the best people in the world. I get to serve the best kids in the world. I get to serve my Savior and my God. I get to laugh a lot, cry a little, get really really tired, and really really slap-happy late at night. I get to preach the Gospel, sing great worship songs with a bunch of guys, and watch about 100 people fall in love with God again. I get to play mind games on the campers, put on a huge scale team-building and leadership training game, and spend a lot of time laughing.

Tonight I worked all day long after working all day long for about 2 weeks now. Two nights ago I had so much work to do that I skipped sleeping and worked for 2 days straight. So when we were nearly finished and went out to dinner we went to this really good Thai restaurant. I had some amazing pork dish that tasted incredible. We were so silly during dinner. At one point my camp administrator said something really funny as I sipped some Thai iced tea from a straw and then I had to fight really hard to not spit the tea out as I laughed. He started laughing really hard which made me laugh harder and then tea flew out of my nose! Oh man, I haven't laughed that hard in a very long time. Good times.

Please pray for the camp. Pray that God's mercy fall upon the guys and fill their hearts and draw them closer to Christ. Amen!

1 comment:

Jesse said...

praying for you guys! and you're an awesome camp director, no doubt about it. i'm off for vacation in the morning, so i'm hoping you'll blog about how things go so i can read about it on the road :)