Still having problems with Comcast. Did I mention that Comcast is horrible and should cease to exist? This is quite a minor problem in the scheme of things. On a more serious note, I am becoming increasingly concerned about the state of world affairs.
North Korea and Iran are on the verge of developing nuclear weapons (if they haven't developed them yet). The situation in Lebanon is ripe for bigger trouble. European and US citizens are completely oblivious and apathetic to the fact that there are dangerous people out there who want to do us harm.
The United Nations is a complete joke. All they do is pass resolutions and do nothing when the resolutions are violated. I liken the United Nations to the mom at the grocery store with the spoiled child. The spoiled child is grabbing things off the shelf and screaming and making a scene and all the mom does is say, "Stop that! You are going to get a time out!" I've never seen a child stop because of idle threats. I can't remember a time when the United Nations actually made a difference in making the world a safer place. I honestly have no idea why we even bother wasting our time with the United Nations. When Iran gets a nuke and uses it on Israel they are just going to make another useless resolution.
It is only a matter of time before all kinds of countries and terror groups have nukes. Meanwhile we have people here in this country who want to be isolationist. It reminds me of the beginning stages of World War II, when nobody really thought Hitler was a big threat. Nobody took him seriously...until it was too late. People need to wake up. Extreme Muslims are not interested in negotiation, money, and land. They are interested in spreading their extreme hatred wherever they can spread it. When they get a chance they will bring the fight here.
Wishing for the best is great but we need to live in the real world and deal with what really exists. We cannot afford to ignore the problems brewing in North Korea, Iran, Iraq, and in Lebanon. I am in favor of pursuing peace. I am not interested in going to war. Ignoring the terrorists is not peace. Downplaying the threat of terrorism is not peace. Tolerating evil is not peace.
I am voting for whoever gives me the impression that s/he will not tolerate evil, and who will not ignore the problem of terrorism. Unfortunately I don't see any candidate who is willing to stand up for what is right. The only person I see with a plan for combating terrorism is our current president. I fear that if a Democrat is elected we will placate and accommodate more and more terrorists and give them the security and even legal protections to conspire and to execute terrorism. The Republican candidates thus far seem weak to me, and are likely unwilling to be leaders. Consensus would be great but most likely will not happen in this country until car bombs and nuclear and biological weapons are detonating in our cities. By then it will be too late.
Please pray for peace. Pray for God's mercy and grace. Pray for the terrorists. Pray for our President and our leaders, regardless of their political party. Pray that the tensions calm down and that they will not escalate. Pray that God will have mercy and intervene and prevent the destruction of so many lives. Pray that people will repent of their sinfulness and turn to God. Ask everyone to pray for peace.
Hail Mary,
Full of Grace,
The Lord is with thee.
Blessed art thou among women,
and blessed is the fruit
of your thy womb, Jesus.
Holy Mary, Mother of God,
pray for us sinners now,
and at the hour of our death.
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