Hard to believe I am posting with these two names in the same title. But thanks to good ol' Pat Robertson, here we are. Pat Robertson recently said the U.S. should assassinate Hugo Chavez (dictator President in Venezuela) to save money avoiding a war... *blinks my eyes*
riiiiight, well actually I think Pat has a point. The world should not have dictators and semi-powerful thugs named Hugo. That is so pathetic! How can we allow anyone named Hugo to go around intimidating anyone? Think about it! His mom probably called him Hugi or maybe Huey, or possibly Hugogo. You know how humiliating it would be to have Hugi running things down in South America? It's so bad I bet that if the U.S. doesn't assassinate him the Columbian cartel will. There's no way we can have respect in the world if we allow Huey to go around pushing other countries around. Hugo.... it just doesn't have the same ring as Saddam, Osama, and Mohamar. So lets give Pat some credit. He understands the fine subtleties of power and politics.
But on a more serious note, this is not at all surprising to me that the rarely consistent Pat Robertson is out saying stupid things that make all Christians look hateful, unreasonable and unintelligent.
I remember when Pat Robertson announced that satanist rock stars (all rock stars are satanist) and youth culture in general were our greatest threat. Then it was the new-age movement, secular humanism, evolutionists, muslims, liberals, and now Hugo Chavez. I'm not saying that any of these things are necessarily good, but I don't see them as any real threat to the King of Kings and his people.
He is on the same level with Oliver Stone and Michael Moore in terms of ridiculous conspiracy paranoia. Where does Pat get this stuff? It seems he must have read the "Gospel of Jerry Falwell", where it says, "Demonize your enemies." Pat isn't my enemy and I'm not demonizing him here. I'm just pointing out that he goes out of his way to say incredible and inflammatory absurdities with which far too many funamentalists tend to agree.
And so much for being pro-life. I realize the two issues are not the same, but I don't think anyone who is seriously pro-life would ever just flippantly advocate such extreme measures for someone who poses no real threat to the U.S.
Granted, Hugi isn't such a great leader for Venezuela, but there are too many world leaders who make bad decisions who maybe shouldn't be in office. But is it Pat Robertson's role to make those decisions? Do we really need to be, in the 21st century, running back to the ways of the Crusaders, with calls from the clergy to "kill the infadels"? What ever happened to "go into all the world and preach the good news to all creation?"
I can't remember the last time I've heard good news from good ol' Pat.
1 comment:
i am hoping that enough prominent christians call him out on this to at least minimize the damage it does to all of us....yikes!
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